thank-you-clotheslineThanks to all who turned out for our last market of the 4th season. Now we’d like to take the time to thank you!

* To Steve Mitchell, Michael Gurnick and Melanie Lewis for hauling heavy containers of unsold produce to the Ashland Food Pantry

* Lieutenant David Beaudoin of the Ashland Police Dept. for making sure we’ve had electronic sign reminders for major market event days

* Town Manager Tony Schiavi, his administration, and the Board of Selectmen for demonstrating enthusiastic support for the market

* Ashland Redevelopment Authority for renting us the best location we could use

* Leo Doucette and his team of Auxiliary Police Officers for making sure the traffic flowed smoothly every market day

* Health Agent Mark Oram and his assistant Laura who have been terrific to work with to ensure food safety

* Ashland Public Library staff and Trustees for their graciousness in letting us use their immaculate restrooms and changing their hours to match ours

* The Carve for providing the final celebratory luncheon

* And all the vendors, artisans, performers, volunteers, sponsors and shoppers who have made our market such a success.